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Trust - A Message from our CEO

Resident Life
June 6, 2023

Pine Haven’s vision statement says that we will constantly seek God’s guidance. And we do just that. Sometimes, though, it is hard to follow that guidance, to place our trust in Him. We get impatient, wanting his plan to unfold more quickly.

As Pine Haven adjusts to changes taking place in the Aging Services sector, we have sought and followed God’s guidance. We give thanks for seeing progress, even though at times we get a bit impatient. We know His timing is perfect and our trust in Him grows as we see His plan unfolding.

Last November we announced plans to exit the skilled nursing line of services and expand our assisted living offerings. We are very pleased to report that the transition has been completed.

We are now able to care for people in a less restrictive assisted living setting who in the past may have needed to move into a nursing home. If you, or someone you care for, are in need of care during the later years of life, we invite you to come and see what we have to offer.

It is truly exciting to see God at work in times of change. We just need to place our trust in Him and be still, knowing He is God.

-Ron Walvoort, CEO


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