Home > Give Back to Pine Haven
Pine Haven partners with individuals and businesses to help make senior living accessible and affordable for our community members through donations. Your donations support our residents, activities and events, our current facilities or can be donated to the area of greatest need. Donations also allow us to give back to the residents and our care team at Pine Haven. You may be looking for a simple way to leave a gift to Pine Haven that will make a lasting impact. Pine Haven offers a RA to CNA Development Program for those looking to grow in their careers and enrich their lives. By investing in these individuals, they, in turn, bring their education and skills to the workplace and strengthen our local economy.Your investment in Pine Haven impacts our residents, families, businesses, and communities. Consider giving today!Pine Haven is an independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Once you have set aside assets to care for your needs or your immediate family, you may desire to utilize planned giving. Planned giving may benefit residents ten, twenty, even fifty years from today. Through planned or deferred giving, you can leave a lasting mark on the history of Pine Haven. Should you choose to include Pine Haven in your estate plan, you will become a member of the Pine Haven Legacy Circle. Since these types of gifts require advanced planning, please call us at 920-467-2401, ext. 203 and we’ll arrange a meeting with you.
Please notify us when you include Pine Haven in your estate planning, so we can properly recognize your future contribution promptly.
There is a dual benefit to this gift option—you have income for a designated term of years or throughout your entire lifetime, and then the balance of the trust is transferred to Pine Haven and helps others far into the future.
Utilizing life insurance, a retirement plan, or other assets, to name Pine Haven as a beneficiary, is a gratifying way to make a future contribution.
Often viewed as the opposite of a charitable remainder trust, this vehicle allows you to donate the earnings on specified investments to Pine Haven for a period of years, with the principal and any growth it has realized then reverting back to you or your heirs. The benefits to you include reducing or eliminating the transfer taxes (estate and/or gift taxes) and the ability to make a current gift.
When you remember Pine Haven in your estate planning, you help us plan for the future and our residents.
As a volunteer, you will enrich the lives of not only the residents you serve but also your own.
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